Sunday, October 30, 2005

White hair is cool!

Don't worry Papa'. I have a lot of white hair too. Posted by Picasa

Friday, October 28, 2005


Gli amici della mamma hanno un nuovo "mostricciattolo". Si chiama Pattina. Pattina e' un wombat. Noi non siamo sicuri se sia un ratto gigante, un piccolo orso o un cane. Cosi' abbiamo deciso di chiamarlo griffoncino. Anche perche' assomiglia un po' a nostro zio Nicola. XO Chicco

Chicco, Don't be silly. You know that Pattina is an imaginary wombat, don't you? Marcello

No, that's not true. He is a real griffoncino and eats a lot of carrots. Do you know that he told me that people make good pets? Do you think Papa' can be our pet? He is a big mostricciattolo!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

The old days

Here we are in Boston, depressed because it's so cold. We like being in California now. Our friends H&V and J are moving out of Boston too. Posted by Picasa

A Package from Grandma

I always tear open packages from my Grandmas. This one has Swiss toys!  Posted by Picasa

Monday, October 24, 2005

But Piccolo has to stay with his Mom

Grandma was about to post a Missing Canines Report for the Piccolo. She is always looking out for us. She saved us from having the Piccolo come live with us. I have to admit, I am a little bit jealous that the Piccolo is in my spot in the car. Posted by Picasa

Piccolo leaves home

Piccolo begged Mom and Papa' to take him to Sunny California. Posted by Picasa

Friday, October 21, 2005

The Piccolo

Here is Mommie with our Uncle Piccolo. I don't have much more to say. Posted by Picasa


Mommie and Papa' visited Leite and his baby brother O. Leite is a very special Maltese because after Mom met him, she decided to adopt Marcello. Malteses are contagious -- first there was Leite, then Marcello, then the Piccolo, then Tartufo, then Sofia, then ME! XOXO, Chicco Posted by Picasa

They miss us

Chicco: Mommie and Papa' are on the East Coast. They miss us so much that they are making friends with random Malteses, like this little pest in a park in Philadelphia. We don't care -- we are hanging out with D. and having a great time.

Marcello: You're not fooled by Chicco's bravado, are you? Posted by Picasa

We crashed

Here we are after we came home from the beach. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, October 09, 2005

(c) 2005 CMD

Papa' relaxes with us at the beach.
(c) 2005 CMD

Mom took us for a walk on the beach north of Half Moon Bay.
(c) 2005 CMD

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Oh, did I mention that I like living in California more than Boston? But, all this sunbathing does get tiring.
(c) 2005 CMD

Today a baby came to visit us. She wasn't scraed of us at all -- in fact we ended up scared of her a little bit.
(c) 2005 CMD

If I just stretch a little bit more, I can reach my ball.
(c) 2005 CMD

Friday, October 07, 2005

I was the cutest puppy ever! Chicchino
(c) 2005 CMD

You might wonder why we make so much fun of Piccolo. Well, just look at him!! Piccolo & Grandma are on the left, Mom & Cello are on the right. I wasn't born yet! Chiccobean
(c) 2005 CMD

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

He went thaddaway! Where is the anonymous blogger? I think it's Tartufo. Then again, Tuf would leave his name. Must be Piccolo.
(c) 2005 CMD

Here we are, exhausted after doggie school. In doggie school, special dogs wear bandanas. This signals to the other dogs that we are not to be messed with! Papa' says we look Italian.
(c) 2005 CMD

Fake smile picture. (We forgot to include it in our previous post.)
(c) 2005 CMD
Here's a photo of mom & dad. See those fake smiles? That's what happens when you go to Europe without your kids.
(c) 2005 CMD