Today Mom's law school friends came over for a little party. Two BIG doggies came too, but we barked enough to scare them away. But, Papa' got tired of us barking and locked us in the bedroom. Woof woof! At the end, though, we got to hang out with Renata. How come Mom never takes us to the law school? We used to go to the hospital with Papa', sometimes go to work with Mom, but have never gone to law school. Tomorrow we start doggie school, which I bet is going to be more fun than law school anyway. WOOF WOOF!
(c) 2005 CMD
You two are so sweet. When Piccolo comes he will keep you safe from the big doggies. Chicco, you are looking more like your nephew Piccolo all the time.
Te amo Chicco e Marcello!!!
-The Founding Member of the Chicco and Marcello Fan Club
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