Oh, I forgot to mention, I have a chip now. If I managed to live almost six years without one, why do I need one now? Do my parents intend to lose me? Or, are Mom & Dad so attached to me now that they want to ensure they'd get me back? Did they have nothing better to do with $40? I'm still trying to work out how I feel about this.
Mom has a property exam tomorrow. She's almost finished with her first year of law school.
Dad is combing Chicco's hair. He takes after Mom, having curly hair, but takes after had having a big nose and little eyes. I have dad's hair but big eyes and a little nose like my mom.
Marcello e perso 9 denti oggi. Poverino! Mi dispiace che ho detto che volevo qualcosa brutto per lui. Invece, mia mamma e fatto un esame di proprieta; intellectuale oggi. Povera lei! E, mio pappa' e un po' stressato perche aveva bisogno di corrigere un patalogo chi ha fatto un errore e puoi e andato a prender il povero Cello. Oggi, sono la unica della famiglia che e' contento. Ma, sono sempre contento io!!!
Today's a lazy day. It's a little rainy. Mom is studying and dad is running errands. Marcello is sleeping and occasionally growling at strange noises outside our kingdom, like the man across the street taking care of his yard. Then I have to bark, because that's what little brothers do. -Chicco, off to a nap
My grandma is really jealous that Chicco and I blog and Piccolo doesn't. She said we are dumb and not as cute. OH PLEAZ! Piccolo is a pest, has no tail, and is always breathing heavy. I could go on, but I'm a better dog than that. Suffice to say, Piccolo is jealous of the special bonding time that Grandma and I had for 3 weeks in 1999. I bet HE never goes to art museums.
By the way, my mom loves me so much that I am getting a chip. In case I get lost, people can help me find my parents. Piccolo doesn't need a chip because anyone who found him would search high and low to GIVE HIM BACK.
Mom is studying, dad is making ice cream and sleeping (somehow at the same time) and I am blogging! Chicco is licking his leg where it was shaved to put in his IV so that we'll have a pity party for him. Happy-go-lucky turned drama queen! Mom just told me that you can not patent things found in nature, but you can patent bacteria with extra plasmids that express protein. Chakrabarty, or is it Chaka Khan? Why does she care about this stuff? Why do you underline?
Last night I watched "Ray" with my parents. There were no doggies, but it was a good movei and there was a cow with a bell. I'm glad I don't have a bell.
I don't like cats or whining brothers for that matter
Ma va! Mio fratello e' un po' fifone!
We live next door to two cats named Sunny and Denny. They are two times as big as I am and I am afraid that my mom will start to think cats are better than dogs so I always bark at them to keep them away from our family. It's an awful lot of responsibility, but I am almost six and it's my job.
Chicco is too shy to mention this, but his birthday is on the 13th.
Yesterday my daddy took me for a ride in the car. I was really happy, but he took me to the doctor, which is never fun unless it's Marcello's turn for shots. They gave me morphine (whee!) and anesthesia and I don't remember much else. When Mommie picked me up my teeth were clean and hurt. Daddy keeps giving me antibiotics. I am not very happy. At least Marcello is going to get his on Monday.